Saturday, August 31, 2019
Beauty by Jane Martin Essay
We live in a country where television and advertisement is designed to entice people into always wanting more than what they already have. This enticement is achieved by feeding into the human desire for happiness. Advertisers create persuasive campaigns that inundate the public with images of societies narrow interpretation of success and beauty. These images are then presented as a precondition to the happiness that human beings are searching for. When a person’s reality does not match this narrow image, the message sent through television and advertisements is that in order to be content people need to find a way to acquire it. As a result we live in a society where people are continuously longing for a happiness that can only be achieved through things that are fleeting and external, which creates feelings of discontentment In the satirical one-act play â€Å"Beauty†by Jane Martin the two sole characters are Bethany and Carla. Their behavior demonstrates the affects of discontentment caused by the media. Despite the fact that both of these women are reasonably successful, they each want the things that they do no have that are present in each other. Carla is beautiful and wants to be smart and Bethany is smart and wants to be beautiful. Under normal circumstances the longing to have what someone else has, is usual either eventually abandoned or translates into negative emotions that are never acted on. However, due to the benefit of theatrics, these yearning become achievable because Bethany arrives at Carla’s house armed with â€Å"†¦a goddamn genie and one more wish!†(1108) The play is a microcosm of the discontentment in our society. This discontent is exhibited most effectively through Bethany’s character since she was the one more willing take exaggerated measures to obtain what she wanted. Although, Carla similarly voiced some discontentment with her life, she was not willing to exchange her reality for someone else’s. When we segregate each character and situation for examination, we are able to see how Martin purposefully crafts a story to effectively leave the audience thinking about the impact of discontentment in society. Carla is a symbol of the allure and illusion of beauty. She is a model the sociocultural standard of feminine beauty in society, however nothing about her is as it appears. Although she is a model, she is struggling. She is beautiful but her looks were altered by cosmetic surgery. Men were attracted to her but the quality of the men is questionable. The fact that she is not smart is to deliberately create the stereotype of the dumb model. The media’s use of such unrealistic models like Carla and it makes it difficult for females to achieve any level of contentment with their physical appearance. Carla is the false god the media f orces women to compare themselves against. Her beauty is unattainable as it is the result of drastic measures. Yet, even if other women decide to go through those drastic measures they soon learn, like Carla, that it does not ultimately bring them happiness. When you examine Carla and Bethany’s relationship, you can further see the emptiness in Carla’s life. She describes Bethany as being one of the only female friends that she has. Reading the dialogue, even beyond the obvious points, there is so much about the friendship that is flawed. Bethany is not even aware that it is Carla’s birthday and when made aware she only half-heartedly acknowledges it before she continues on with her conversation/purpose for being there. Bethany also shows no regard for the fact that Carla and is on the phone regardless of how many times Carla asks her to be quiet. When Carla does finish her telephone the two carry on separate monologues and their conversation only finds connection when Carla realizes that she is the topic. Carla even acknowledges that Bethany does not like her most of the time. Which forces the reader to question the extent to which Carla understands relationships like friendship. Interestingly, Martin chose to have Carla be somewhat modest and even somewhat self-deprecating regarding her attitude of toward herself and complimentary toward her less attractive friend. This choice is interesting in that we generally think of the beautiful girl in stories as being the morally corrupt one. In popular culture the most beautiful girl is generally depicted as the villain. Yet, Martin breaks from this traditional trajectory. On the other hand, Bethany is an almost villainous character. She is negative, admittedly jealous, self-absorbed, and single-minded in her motivations for things that are fleeting and superficial that she believes beauty gives. She is a successful accountant, a published author, and pretty. However, these things are not enough for her. It could be said that her attitude is an indictment on the fact that women forced to view themselves in terms of their looks. Carla is allowed in many ways to be more human than Bethany is because she no longer has to strive for better looks. An additional evaluation can also be done of the genie, which is symbolic of the world of advertising. He is a larger than life colorful character that represents the glamour and glitz of the advertising world. The offering of wishes represents the promises of advertisings. The fact that he is â€Å"see-through†(1106) is symbolic of the illusion and deception of advertisement. The whole concept of advertising is comparable to a mirage, which is a natural occurring optical illusion, yet even with the scientific explanation it is still an abstract experience that is a combination of desire and imagination. Advertising is just that, a mirage, a natural occurring illusion that comes into agreement with our desires and imagination. According to the Media Center for Literacy, â€Å"advertising is the most powerful education tool in American†which explains why women are conditioned to view themselves this prism. Bethany was the type of person the advertisement agencies target. She was unhappy with herself, as well as someone willing to go to any length or pay any price to obtain the perfect image. The media works hard at creating a society that view themselves negatively and then they prey on the victims. Ultimately, Martin uses his play to force the audience to question ideas of beauty, happiness, and what it means to live a good life. The characters, Bethany and Carla, present us with different elements of society. Each yearns for something outside of themselves. However, the desire for beauty trumps the desire for other traits like intelligence and personal success to the extent that someone is willing to give up everything for it. WORKS CITED Kilbourne, Jean. Beauty†¦and the Beast of Advertising. 21 December 2012 . Martin, Jane. â€Å"Beauty†Literature and the Writing Process. Ed. Susan X. Day, RobertFunk, and Elizabeth McMahan. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2007. Print.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Cognitive psychology Essay
Cognitive psychology had in its early days concerned itself with the study of attention and consciousness as the main focus of psychological inquiry. Attention had been defined as the means by which the human mind can process a specific amount of information from all the other information present in the immediate environment and from memory (Sternberg, 2006). The most common experience that an individual may have that demonstrates the function of attention is the cocktail party problem; this demonstrates the ability of the mind to actively process single information at a given time and be able to disregard others. This is referred to as selective attention, if we pay attention to every stimulus that is presented to us, and then we would have a stimulus overload and hence would affect our understanding and experience of particular stimuli. In the Stroop effect it was demonstrated that it is very difficult to attend to the color of the ink and the word color at the same time. However, through practice and sensory adaptation, the brain has the ability to adapt to the different stimuli and hence do not give attention to its sensory modalities, for example, a person who work in a coffee bar would likely not pay attention to the aroma of the coffee beans than the customers who frequents it. A closely related concept to attention is consciousness. A person’s consciousness is the degree to which one is aware of his/her feelings and experiences and the awareness that he/she is feeling or behaving in a particular way. Consciousness is important because it enables the mind to actively process information, without consciousness there is no attention (Sternberg, 2006). Although some behaviors may become automatic and does not need to be attended like swimming or eating, in other instances priming which is the ability of the mind to supply missing information based on previous experiences or memory is demonstrated in the ability of the mind to recognize incomplete pictures of familiar objects. Attention is one of the most basic human ability, which is the precursor to learning, to effective communication, to decision-making and even intelligence and self-awareness. Attention is one of those concepts that is not given much thought but undoubtedly is the framework from which so many behaviors are manifested (Sternberg, 2006). Paying attention is one of the biggest problem that modern man have, due to the advanced technology and scientific knowledge that enabled man to create tools that would attend to the usual information that we encounter on a daily basis, our ability to attend to something has become limited. For example, our cars now have GPS which can help us reach our destinations faster than if we relied on our own attending skills, hence we do not pay attention to the landmarks, to sign posts or even to pedestrians because we have the GPS tell us where to go to. Another example is how we have embedded our watches with pulse monitors, we do not pay attention now to how we feel when we jog, but instead rely on the monitor to tell us if we are going faster or slower than our target rate. Even diets have become prepackaged to certain caloric amounts that we don’t pay attention to the amount of food we consume and whether our brain is sending us signals that we are already full. In this fast paced and disposable culture, attention is the least of our concerns, even with the fact that our ability to focus and attend to something is limited and almost always inaccurate if it goes beyond what our brains can process. Attention is also linked to intelligence and learning, an acute sense of awareness and excellent attending skills enable the individual to notice the smallest detail which aids in the processing of information. Perception Perception collectively refers to the means by which we recognize, organize and make sense of the stimuli that we receive from the environment through our different senses. Psychological research into perception had been the focus of the Gestalt theorists and from which they were the first to develop theoretical assumptions and explanations of different perceptual processes (Sternberg, 2006). Gestalt psychology says that the whole is more than the total of the sum of its parts, which meant that although it is important to breakdown perception into its components and structure, the perception of the whole is more important than its parts. Just like attention, the human brain can adapt to the different sensual stimuli that we encounter on a daily basis. Perceptual constancy says that our perception of a certain object becomes stable even if we are removed from the origin of the stimulus; an example is when how we can remember that a certain candy is sweet and sour even if we just look at it. A number of perceptual illusions mostly on visual perception had demonstrated the limited capacity of the human brain to perceive visual stimulus (Sternberg, 2006). The figure and ground principle shows that our perception of an ambiguous object may vary depending on what is perceived and processed first, whether the figure or its background. A sensory accommodating principle, the law of Pragnanz shows that when we are presented disparate and random stimulus, we tend to organize the information to form a coherent whole. Our ability to perceive objects and other stimulus is influenced by a number of factors such as depth, context effects, light and color, directionality and source of stimulus. At present there are other perception theories that propose different approaches to the study of perception. The top-down theories approach says that perception starts from pre-existing and prior knowledge of perceptual cues and processes. The bottom-up theories argue that perception is dependent on the stimulus and data that is to be processed. Perception is in the realm of cognitive psychology and is further studied using the experimental methods. Researches on perception were popular in the early days of psychology but interest waned with the surge of behaviorism. In the last decade however, with the resurgence of experimental and cognitive psychology and with the technological advancements of computers that would measure perception, new interest on perception and perceptual processes have resurged. Moreover, the process by which the human mind perceive the sensory stimuli has been used to model artificial intelligence and the studies of which is geared towards the development of more intelligent robots and machines (Sternberg, 2006). Our ability to perceive the various information present in our environment determines how effectively and accurate our perception of and understanding of the world around us. If for example we lose our sense of sight, life would be very difficult and if not dark, if we become deaf then we would not be able to hear and appreciate our own laughter. Losing one of our senses changes our life and sometimes it would take a long time for us to adjust to the inability to feel, to become aware of where we are and what we are doing. In as much as how limited our perceptual abilities are, what a normal person is endowed with is already enough than missing one of it. Our perception is also influenced by our consciousness and the attention we give to those information (Groome & Grant, 2005), we may be able to sense and perceive various sensory stimuli but if we do not attend to it or if we are not conscious of it, then we cannot attach meaning to what we perceive. Memory Memory is a cognitive process that is necessary for everyday functioning and which is based on the stored information and previous experiences. Memory is composed of three stages, the encoding, storage and retrieval process; encoding refers to how our brain process new information, storage is the means by which we store information and experience, which can either be long-term or short-term memory, the last process is retrieval which refers to the process by which we withdraw stored information. Memory has three information processing model, sensory memory, working memory and long-term memory. Sensory memory is the initial encoding of sensory information and provides very brief storage, iconic memory for visual stimuli and echoic memory for auditory stimuli. Short-term memory or working memory refer to the memory storage where information is temporary held and needs to be used immediately, auditory codes are more easily stored than visual information, the amount of information stored in working memory is very small but can be increased through chunking. Long-term memory is where information is stored for long periods of time or even for a life time. The information stored is usually very important and are used frequently, at present long –term memory can store an infinite number of information. Semantic memory is another form of memory which refers to the general world knowledge which is made up of interconnected networks of information called a semantic network which we use to be able to process new information, however semantic memory also facilitates stereotypes and schemas which affects how we perceive new information. Damages to the brain can cause memory loss such as amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, and other more specific inabilities to process information. Information can be committed to long term memory through rehearsal, which is to consistently practice and work with the information needed to be remembered such as studying for exams or mastery of skills. Even if the information is stored in long term memory it is still subject to decay especially with the passage of time, if information is not used or retrieved, it will ultimately decay and be forgotten. Memory is one of the major concentrations of psychology in terms of how the brain functions, aside from perceiving sensory stimuli. The study of memory at present is now likened to how computers work and process data, the processes in memory even borrow terms from computer science such as encoding and retrieval. In a way, the brain processes information in much the same way as computers, but how it is encoded has not been adequately understood. Some theorists says that neural networking and the firing of neurons are the means by which information is encoded which is why any damage to the brain would result to memory loss (Baddeley, 1999). There are also conditions wherein memory loss is very specific like the inability to recognize faces that had been previously encountered. Memory serves many functions and which enables us to remember basic functions that are not physiologically automatic, for example, the mastery of reading skills, number skills and even the ability to dress oneself and to tie shoe laces. Our memory is the our storehouse of information and skills, when we go to school, all the things we need to learn is committed to memory and our previous experiences and stored information will help us process new information through accommodation and assimilation. As we age, and as our brain deteriorate, we experience memory loss which makes it impossible for us to live alone (Bredart, Brennen, Delchambre, McNeill & Burton, 2005). Recent research said that memory can still be enhanced even as we get older by continuously engaging in activities that would make use of our brain. Thinking Thinking is a collective term that refers to the process, by which we actively integrate new and previous information, it is also the process by which problem solving, decision-making and creativity is done. Thinking is a cognitive process that engages the mind, memory, learning and stored knowledge in arriving at a decision or a solution to the problem and the creation of new ideas. Thinking is a mental exercise that every person engages in as a means of applying the information and skills gained from learning and knowledge acquisition. There are different forms of thinking; namely productive, convergent and divergent thinking. Productive thinking is the process by which the mind finds a way to be able to produce a new idea, object or project. Convergent thinking is when the mind narrows down its evaluation of related knowledge to come up with a single best answer. Divergent thinking occurs when the object of the mental exercise is to generate as many theories and options for a single problem which is similar to brainstorming. Thinking as a process involves the analysis of related information or the contexts at which a certain problem exists, in analysis, the problem or idea is broken down into its component parts and then scrutinized under some perspective or framework of analysis. There are many ways in which we arrive at solutions to a problem or to decision-making strategies, one of which is insightful thinking. Insight refers to the point wherein a solution is identified after studying the problem, this happens when the individual gains an understanding of the interrelatedness of the information needed to solve the problem. There is also what is called as the use of available heuristics, with heuristics, there is not systematic way of thinking, it may lead to the solution to the problem by chance or it may not. Thinking is a diversified cognitive process, and at times it is very difficult to define when one is thinking, most of us refer to specific situations like problem-solving, decision-making or creativity to refer to different ways of manipulating information and data. However, these all involve the use of previous knowledge, to better understand the present information and to be able to present a comprehensive output using the old and new information. The study of thought process had been probably influenced by the delineation of abstract and concrete thinking as proposed by Piaget, and to some extent the concept of having to concrete examples and being able to think abstractly are very human traits (Eysenck & Keane, 2005). Some theories even say that thinking is the only ability that humans can do and animals cannot. When we think, we take out information relevant to the material we are working on and then evaluate the new information based on what we already know. For example, we know from mathematical principles of whole numbers that 1+1 is 2, when we work with a problem that asks us to do 1+1 then we know it is two, not because we have memorized the information but because we know that a whole number is added another whole number it will become 2 whole numbers, likewise we would know that 1+-1 would not equal to 2 because it has a negative sign. Thinking is probably the only exercise that has tremendous possibilities for generating bright, innovative, creative and excellent ideas (Eysenck & Keane, 2005). When asked to write an essay, I would probably thin first what I would write in it before actually putting it into paper. This refers to the act of identifying relevant information and using our mental faculties to come up with novel and new ways of presenting information and experiences. Language Language is one of the topics that have baffled scientists for the last part of history; the study of language in cognitive psychology is related to how language is acquired and how it is produced. Language refers to the process of attaching meaning to symbols in order to communicate with others. Language as used by man is different from those used by animals; we need mental representations of words in order to identify what it is and to use language as a means of expressing those symbols. For example, a red juicy tomato describes the color, firmness and taste of a round fruit which is used as a vegetable and eaten raw in most dishes. To the cognitive psychologist, language is directly related to the brain since damage to the Broca’s region would affect the speech ability of the individual. Psycholinguistics is the specific study of language as it relates to the human mind. Language is a complex process wherein the mind identifies the object, event, or feeling, and translates it into the existing language repertoire of the individual and then activates the body to produce the sounds that would verbalize the message and the idea. Language can be in written form or verbal, but psychologists are more interested in how verbal language is developed. There are several theories that attempts to explain language acquisition, one of which says that there is an innate biological mechanism that enables us to acquire, process and use language (Plomin & Dale, 2000). This would mean that language is something that we naturally do as a course of development, we are bale to acquire language in much the same way that we can walk or run or crawl. Another theory is hypothesis testing, which says that children develop language through a series of hypothesis testing which is to tentatively prove what they believe to be word relationships language patterns. For example, a 3 year old child may use language in the third person and when adults respond to his words indicating the he should own what he say, then he would know that he need not use the third person. Semantics refer to the study of meaning in a language and is often the focus of experimental research especially when a new word is developed and how a person attaches meaning to a particular word. At present one that is stressed by educators is the concept of metacognition, which is the ability to thin about what we are reading and writing even before we comprehend its entirety. Language is one of those fascinating subjects in psychology, although it is highly technical when it is broken down into its specific parts, it is also a very informative aspect of human existence. Language development and acquisition is often the means by which culture is transmitted and wherein socialization is handed from one generation to the next. Language also mirrors the culture of the society it develops from and this has been the focus of indigenous psychology and cross-cultural studies on the universality of psychological concepts in different languages (Esgate & Groome, 2004). Language is the main vehicle by which we interact and relate to other people, we are able to communicate with each other because we all use language, the inability to express our ideas and thoughts and feelings may leave the person handicapped and isolated from the rest of society. Languages disabilities may also hinder the education of children as learning basically occur in the context of communication and exchange of words and ideas. Language is said to be enhanced when the person has a large vocabulary, which means that the person has a large number of learned words which are available to him to aid him when he communicates with other people. At present the issue of English as a second language is prevalent in the educational system as more and more non-native English speakers are becoming a part of our society (Esgate & Groome, 2004). This has opened another field of study which is how a second language is acquired especially if it is very different in structure and form from the native language.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Compare and contrast the evil nature of Shakespeare’s antagonists
The following essay will compare and contrast the evil nature of Shakespeare’s antagonists King Richard and MacBeth. Although Shakespeare intended his play Richard 3 to be a tragedy most of the play could be considered historical, but for the purpose of this paper it will be likened the insidiousness of MacBeth’s compromising morals. In the dramatic terminology of degradation and tragedy these two works of art encompass the whole of these definitions. While one is comparably a great portrayal of English kings, the other is a supreme example of how circumstance and identity may become the lingering plight of a man corrupted with autocratic power. Both however exemplify human characteristics of paranoia, jealousy and victims of their action’s circumstances. The following paper will play on the idea of comparing characters and event from the Shakespeare’s plays Richard 3 and MacBeth.King Richard is a gruesome man, with deformities, and a w icked personality. He himself describes his traits as â€Å"rudely stamp'd†and â€Å"deformed, unfinish'd†, who cannot â€Å"strut before a wanton ambling nymph.†I that am curtail'd of this fair proportion, /Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, /Deform'd, unfinish'd, sent before my time /Into this breathing world, scarce half made up, /And that so lamely and unfashionable /That dogs bark at me, as I halt by them;/Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace, /gave no delight to pass away the time, /Unless to see my shadow in the sun And descant on mine own deformity:/And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover, /To entertain these fair well-spoken days, /I am determined to prove a villain.This speech give insight into Richard’s character just as the speeches made by Lady MacBeth organize a reader to realize the depressed nature of MacBeth in comparison to his wife’s expectations from him, and his willingness to succeed with such actions, (Mac) If we should fail?(Lady M.) We Fail!But screw your courage to the sticking place,And we’ll not fail. (Act 1, Scene 7).King Richard begins his Machiavellian procedures in gaining the throne in a similar manner as MacBeth; although, for the argument of this paper, Richard is the more evil of the two.The theme of the evil nature of man in King Richard the III deals with politics. It is through marriage that the ugly King may become what he wants to be perceived as being; in marrying Lady Anne he allows himself the illusion that he is someone who is worthy of love even though King Richard had Anne’s husband murdered. The transition qualities of marriage in this play serve to produce a faà §ade of change in the characters (Hunt 1997).It is the wooing of Lady Anne that the theme of love or the charade of love as it were in this play becomes apparent to the dynamic of transition. Richard tells Anne that he killed her husband because he (Richard) loved h er,No! why? When he, that is my husband now /Came to me, as I followed Henry's corpse;/When scarce the blood was well wash'd from his hands,/Which issu'd from my otherangelhusband, /And that dead saint which then I weeping follow'd;/O! when I say, I look'd on Richard's face, /This was my wish, ‘Be thou,' quoth I, ‘accurs'd, /For making me so young, so old a widow! /And, when thou wedd'st, let sorrow haunt thy bed;/And be thy wifeâ€â€if any be so mad /More miserable by the life of thee /Than thou hast made me by my dear lord's death!' /Lo! ere I can repeat this curse again, Within so small a time, my woman's heart /Grossly grew captive to his honey words, /And prov'd the subject of mine own soul's curse:/Which hitherto hath held mine eyes from rest;/For never yet one hour in his bed /Did I enjoy the golden dew of sleep, /But with his timorous dreams was still awak'd. /Besides, he hates me for my father Warwick, /And will, no doubt, shortly be rid of me.In this line is found the bewitching personality of Richard. In this personality there are striking similarities between King Richard and MacBeth. Both men demand of their women obediance leastwise they go berserk when not obeyed (as is seen with the later episodes between Lady MacBeth and MacBeth) as is seen in Act One Scene Five of MacBeth as Lady MacBeth states,The raven himself is hoarse/ That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan /Under my battlements. Come, you spirits /That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, /And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full /Of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood, /Stop up th’access and passage to remorse, /That no compunctious visitings of nature /Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between /Th’ effect and it. Come to my woman’s breasts, /And take my milk for gall, you murd’ring ministers, /Wherever in your sightless substances /You wait on nature’s mischief. Come, thick night, /And pall thee in the dun nest smoke of hell, /That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, /Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, /To cry ‘Hold, hold!’Thus is MacBeth’s evil nature propelled by his wife. However, since MacBeth is the character whom carries on the theme of evil in his autocratic power over the throne, it may also be suggested that MacBeth is the stronger of the two characters, and henceforth, his evil nature becomes entirely his, and not something which is funneled into him from Lady MacBeth. Therefore this demand of obseqious behavior warrents the premise of Shakespeare’s play being about the dominance of women and their gullability as Lady Anne commits to marry a man who killed her husband. In this act is found that Shakespeare has created in Lady Anne a female character who is unable to gain retribution for her husband’s murder by sticking a knife into Richard’s chest. Thus, as Lady Anne as a widow may have been of stro ng character, Lady Anne as she becomes the wife of Richards is duty-bound, sad, and realizes too late what her actions consists of, which is her culpability.MacBeth and King Richard are similar characters on other grounds as well. When MacBeth’s wife urges him to murder for power, his protests are not long heard in the play, but MacBeth’s actions speak towards his depraved state. He is given to pity, and self-loathing as well as introverted nature with his overwhelming power once he achieves the throne.  King Richard uses a similar ploy when he convinces Anne Neville to marry him even after he kills her father and her husband.    In both characters then the capacity to hoodwink the general populace is exorbitant. However, each character in turn must pay the price of their actions.; it is the hunting of the boar’s quality of karma that kills Richard due to his plotting, and MacBeth dies the way the play began, as a warrior, without muc h power in politics.King Richard sees his ugliness as a crutch, as away to get people to feel sorry for him and thus gain power; King Richard does this covertly. Richard has to disguise his true intentions leastwise he will be beheaded for treason. Richard attempts a charade with Anne when he tells her he had her husband killed because he (Richard) loved her,No! why? When he, that is my husband now /Came to me, as I followed Henry's corse;/When scarce the blood was well wash'd from his hands,/Which issu'd from my other angel husband, /And that dead saint which then I weeping follow'd;/O! when I say, I look'd on Richard's face, /This was my wish, ‘Be thou,' quoth I, ‘accurs'd, /For making me so young, so old a widow! /And, when thou wedd'st, let sorrow haunt thy bed;/And be thy wifeâ€â€if any be so mad /More miserable by the life of thee /Than thou hast made me by my dear lord's death!' /Lo! ere I can repeat this curse again, Within so small a time, my woman's heart /Grossly grew captive to his honey words, /And prov'd the subject of mine own soul's curse:/Which hitherto hath held mine eyes from rest;/For never yet one hour in his bed /Did I enjoy the golden dew of sleep, /But with his timorous dreams was still awak'd. /Besides, he hates me for my father Warwick, /And will, no doubt, shortly be rid of me.Thus, in Richard’s view of himself and the man he truly has become is the juxtaposition of pity, jealousy and the actions therein.Another strikingly similar point of evil between these two Shakespearean plays is their willingness to gain power through any means necessary, and often times this involves murder. The realism for MacBeth in knowing that his actions are stygian appears with Banquo’s ghost, while with Richard, the realization of evil comes from Queen Margaret. Queen Margaret warns nobles about Richard and his devious nature, but her claims go unheeded by the table of noblemen. Queen Margaret is ushered out or banished from the court, just as MacBeth’s choice of denying he really did see a ghost attests to him not accepting his own nature of evil.In the insanity that visits MacBeth’s character in Shakespeare’s play of the same name there is a definite difference between Richard and him, as insanity portends to evil. MacBeth becomes increasingly insane throughout the duration of the play due in most part to the predictions and misleadings of the three witches. MacBeth’s rise into power in Scotland was begotten due to his first murder (Clausen p. 43).MacBeth’s obvious insanity, and thus his evil nature can be seen most notably in the way in which he rules; his choices of using force, violence, and murder in his autocratic rule tend to be the persuasions of his debilitating sanity. Although his actions may in part speak towards his psychosis, the fact of MacBeth’s personality remains in that he cannot cope with his active violence and it is way of ruling as a tyrant which also enables his role as an insane person. MacBeth uses his position to thwart his will on the people and it is his way of ruling which leads to his further violence and his insanity.MacBeth’s evil nature may be submitted to be revealed through the introduction of the play with the three witches. In the dialogue of the play, and the actions therein, which represent this initial scene, the true evil of MacBeth rests within his imagination, for this aggrandized factor of his personality is what drives MacBeth to desire power in its tyrant form, and through murder as Bloom states, â€Å"†¦the play depends on its horror of its own imaginings. Imagination is an equivocal matter for Shakespeare and his era where it meant both poetic furor and a gap torn in reality, almost a punishment for the displacement of the sacred into the secular.  MacBeth†¦is a tragedy of the imagination†(p. 4).The shortc omings which lead to MacBeth’s degradation of mind is due in part to his own ambitions (and imagination) and his dealings with the three witches as well as his inferiority complex which in turn causes him to use violence in order to rule. Another attribute of MacBeth’s evil nature is shown with his partner, Lady MacBeth. It is her driving force to have MacBeth kill Duncan which furthers MacBeth’s self-doubt. Lady MacBeth is inclusive of MacBeth’s insanity since she urges him to commit the necessary crimes to gain power while also disregarding the guilt burdening MacBeth; Lady MacBeth urges MacBeth’s evil nature, his criminal acts, because she like her husband is addicted to power and knows the necessary means to gain such power, and so, urges her husband past the guilt, and self-doubt in order to achieve their goals.Richard plots to have Clarence killed by his own brother by making Edward believe that George of Clarence is trying to kill. This is accomplished by Edward having a pretense of someone killing him whose name begins with the letter G (George in this case). Richard succeeds in this plot and is named King. However, Richard’s nephews are still in the Tower of London and could be successors to the throne once they come of age. King Richard has Buckingham murder the nephews. Not only does Richard succeed in his murdering campaign but he also beguiles the kingdom to believe he is a just king, as least for awhile.King Richard is abandoned on the battlefield by Lord Stanley and loses his horse and is murdered in a type of boar hunt. These two characters are similar in this scene in their scope of personality and the actions that haunt them (Bradley p. 56).After Duncan’s murder however, Lady MacBeth’s character diminishes and so MacBeth is left even more alone in his act of betrayal which further leads to his suffering mind. Plagued by guilt and contempt for h imself and his actions, the reader begins to see the disintegration of MacBeth.  Thus, it is proven that both characters of Shakespeare’s plays, King Richard 3, and MacBeth are evil. Both Richard, and MacBeth’s mental powers show a decline in power and cohesion as the plays progress with murder and violence.The contrast between these two antagonists seem to depict no true relevant difference but in comparison the evil nature of either of these two men is one in which pure evil is seen. In both of their quests for the throne, and the power which comes with the throne, the more evil of the two seems to be Richard, since his thirst for such a prize entails the con of marriage, as well as of killing his two young nephews, while MacBeth’s dirty deeds are supported by his wife (Bradley p. 101).These two characters are a great fascination because of their striking similarities. Their evil nature warrants great sacrifice, as well as leading them down the path of fast glory, but ultimately ending in betrayal and death (as with Richard’s army, and as will Lady MacBeth’s eventual self-doubt as to MacBeth’s rise in power, and the means by which he gained it so swiftly).Shakespeare’s great accomplishment with these two characters is undoubtedly within the realm of pure evil, in that neither seems to have great remorse at the end of their power reign. It is in the necessity of guilt which makes a character redeemable to an audience, and by denying any remorse for either character, Shakespeare has created two very strong, evil antagonists. The fact that they remain of interest to the audience is found in just how despicable and evil their deeds, and just how far they are willing to push their power onto others in order to achieve the end of their goals.BibliographyBloom, H. (2004). Shakespeare’s MacBeth. Riverhead Publishing, New York.Bradley, A.C. (2005). Shakespearean Tragedy . Adamant Media Corporation. London.Clausen, C. (2005). MacBeth Multiplied. Bodleian Publishing, Netherlands.Hunt, M. (1997). Shakespeare’s King Richard111 and the Problematics of Tudor Bastardy.Papers on Language & Literature, Vol. 33.Shakespeare, W. (1989). King Richard the III. Manchester University Press, UK.Shakespeare, W. (1990).  MacBeth. Washington Square Press, New York.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Communication In Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Communication In Economics - Essay Example It is a complete guidance in social, political, economical and other aspects for the Muslims. The Koran gives a clear direction in dealing with common issues from warfare, governance of states, marriages, doing business etc. Islam focuses on doing any act in accordance with equality and justice. The Islam has prohibited some of the issues, which are considered to be today's key of success. One such concept is the prohibition of Interest. But Islam gives the complete rational reasoning for it's the things, which are included and excluded by Islam. In today world, one of the main reasons for the businesses running successful in western world is because of mortgage and interest, however, Islam strictly rejects the concept of Interest in Islam. There are number of verses of Koran in which Interest has being strictly condemned. Interest in Arabic language is called 'Riba'. Interest is some amount of money received or has to pay for in order of lending and borrowing of assets. Islam has termed Riba as prohibited because a person is paying additional charges to which he not accounted to, and similarly earning extra money which he has earned without making an effort. Such type of earning is called earning easy money. For instance, a person has invests $100,000 as his savings in a bank at an annual interest rate of 5%. After one year, his savings will be $ 105,000. This additional $5000 amount is the easy earning that he has got, Islam calls these as Haram (prohibited) according to Islamic laws called Sharia'a. Islamic Banking: Now in Islamic states, in order to curb interest, many Islamic banks introduced Islamic finance, which does working according to Sharia'a. This type of banking started in 1970's. The Islamic banks works risk sharing system, in which the banks and the customers share profits under agreements. The people have the option of whether making an Islamic account or not. These banks have introduced La-Riba system (interest free) finance. When a person is making a saving account in a bank, he has two options. Either makes an account on zero interest or charge interest on it. In case of zero interest, he will receive the same amount that he deposited i.e. if he has invested $100000, he will receive $100000 on his withdrawal. Where as in the second case, where he can ask for the interest, he has two alternate. Either he can ask the bank to deducted Zakat (Islamic charity system) or can take additional interest amount with him, and donate into welfare or charity himself. In this way, he is not us ing additional money for his personal use. Similarly, there are banks that offer loan on zero interest i.e. if a person wants loan, he can pay it off without giving additional charges. For instance, if a person wants loan for construction of his house, he asks for a loan of $500000, then he only has to pay this amount in installments. However, it is suggested that it is better to invest your capital in project rather than banks. Because when you invest in a project, there you would be dealing with risks not with the Interest. New Products Offered by Islamic Finance: Since the arrival of these Islamic banks, there are some special Islamic products, which are being bought into the market. These products designed in accordance with Sharia'a laws. These products include Ijara, Murabahah, Musharakah, Mudarabah, sukuk etc. The basics of these products are discussed below Ijara is a type of Islamic leasing.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Joint Venture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Joint Venture - Essay Example e strategic coalition focused on the design, development as well as management of extravagance non-gaming hotels, residential offerings and resorts under the Hakkasan, Bellagio, MGM Grand, and Skylofts brands in main international gateway cities along with prime resort destinations all over the globe. The entire hotel together with resort projects contributed to the joint venture, counting MGM projects in the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, and Hakkasan projects in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Hakkasan and MGM combined their efforts and resources; they have a challenge of bringing all of the essential elements of their organizations together. The amount of negotiating and planning needed to bring this about is reasonably significant. This integration planning is strongly related to cultural issues since it requires the two to determine what corporate culture is to look like. Another challenge is the differences between the two companies. Differences in view or management style cause partners to fail to agree. This can come about for other reasons too. Differences in personality may lead to partners to part ways even though it is mutually advantageous to unite their
Lab report peer review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Lab report peer review - Assignment Example In figure 2 the COSY and H NMR data for unknown 2 shows a structural representation known as 4-heptanone. FEEDBACK: Yes, there is a good transition between the paragraphs. The information flow from one paragraph leads to the analysis of the next one. Together, the paragraphs sustain an argument, for example, paragraph 1 that introduces the thesis statement is followed logically with paragraph 2 that analyzes unknown 1 to completion before introducing analysis of unknown 2 in paragraph 3. FEEDBACK: There is a remarkably smooth integration of examples by the author into the argument. The connections between the evidence cited and the ideas supported are also quite clear. For instance, in each of the three cases of unknowns, the author illustrates the number of carbon/proton chains that produce the structure of the peaks that help in identifying the figures. The author supports the findings with appropriate figures. FEEDBACK: The other problems are not spotted. Only clichà ©s are used in the paper. Examples are â€Å"†¦in conjunction with†¦Ã¢â‚¬ in paragraph 1 and â€Å"†¦pentane chain which mirrors each side†¦Ã¢â‚¬ in paragraph 5 (Pavia, Pg
Monday, August 26, 2019
Applied decision methods Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Applied decision methods - Speech or Presentation Example t, I can use Linear Programming to come up with an optimal production programme to determine the production level of the processes so that the customers’ orders are met and the total production costs are minimal. TQM calls for continuous improvement of the quality of the products and services through proper feedbacks and research (Management Guide, 2013). Consequently, in my current job as customer service of YMCA, I will pay attention to customers’ (current and potential customers) feedback of any kind by listening to them, analyzing their response to the advertisements, checking their comments on social media and directly interacting with them to get what they have to say about our products and services. Then I will do research on how realistic the feedback is before recommending appropriate changes to my colleagues. This will enable us to meet customers’ needs thus meeting their expectation as we expand the YMCA’s portfolio. Besides, TQM admonishes for planning and checking on the proceedings of a strategy (Management Guide, 2013). Thus I will plan how to achieve customers’ satisfaction of a certain level, collect relevant data on how to achieve the goal and th en strategize. Thereafter, I will keep on checking on the suitability of our methods. From the QM, the optimal solution is to ship 800 units from Houston to Dallas, 600 Units from Phoenix to Atlanta and 200 Units from Memphis to Denver. The total cost involved using the above combination is 13000
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Tesco Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Tesco Company - Essay Example The paper describes the business where competition among the organizations is increasing day by day, different companies implement different corporate strategies to meet the changing requirements o f the business world and to gain competitive advantage. Tesco was also faced with these changes and challenges that were hindering the success and leadership position of the organization. Tesco came up different corporate strategies in different areas to overcome such challenges and difficulties. Along with these strategies, Tesco focused maximum on retaining its consumers; Tesco understands the value of consumers in today’s world of business. On the other hand, till today Tesco is striving hard to retain the strength of its customers without making them disappointed of their services and facilities. As a result, Tesco not only met the changing requirements of the business world but these effective steps also gained them success and strong competitive advantage over others. In the paper we can find out how to change and develop the company. The document clearly allocates Tesco’s main objective was to gain maximum consumer loyalty as it is a fundamental truth that â€Å"consumer is a king.†Customer satisfaction is the key to gain success for any company in both long run and short run. It is important for a company to focus mainly on a customer’s needs and wants. Tesco focused more on approaching their customers by implementing thorough consumer approach. Tesco focused more on understanding the needs and demands of their customers in order to remain in the market and to deliver the best to their customers. As a result, this strategy would help Tesco to gain maximum consumer satisfaction and to remain in the business in long run. Implementation of this strategy not only helped Tesco to grow and expand its business, gain maximum consumer satisfaction as well as it helped Tesco to gain employee motivation by bringing new ideas in the business and implementing innovation to their business. This triggered the employees of Tesco to become more innovative in order to deliver best of consumer satisfaction to their clients. 2- ADOPTION OF EFFECTIVE STRATEGIC HR POLICIES: Tesco realized the importance of effective and efficient workforce. No doubt, employees are the basic pillars of any organization which stand as the main driving force and contribute significantly in the success of an organization. Tesco was faced with the challenge of obsolete HR policies and incapable team of employees which were unable to meet the competition in the market, challenges faced by Tesco and growing needs of the business world. Tesco implemented a thoroughly revised strategic HR policy as a change agent to meet the challenges of the business world and to sustain its position in the market. Before implementing the strategy, Tesco ensure that each employee of its company understands his role and set of responsibilities in organization. Tesco also ensured that all the employees contribute together in the suc cess of company and to make it more dynamic in a tough competitive environment. However, Tesco was also faced with the union problem from its employees in America which the organization handled very carefully in order to minimize the gravity of the situation (David Theather). As a result, Tesco motivated its employees to become productive, motivated and innovative to attain the success objective and to meet the challenges of highly competitive global market (Steve Hammett and Ken McMeikan). The implementation of this strategy enabled the employees to understand their role and responsibilities
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The relationship between asthma medications and periodontal disease Essay
The relationship between asthma medications and periodontal disease - Essay Example Herein, the reasons asthmatic patients are more prone to gum disease will be discussed. As well, what asthmatics can do to help prevent tooth and gum decay will be a source of study. Periodontitis is a "condition characterized by inflammation of the periodontal tissues, leading to tissue destruction, bone resorption, attachment loss, and, in some cases, tooth loss" (Saver, Hujoel, Cunha-Cruz, and Maupome, 2007). Asthma, on the other hand, is a "common [breathing] disorder, especially in the industrialized part of the world" (Sulssa and Ernst, 2001). When asthma episodes, or "attacks" occur, many patients rely on the use of handheld inhalers, which deliver a corticosteroid medication from the mouth, into the airway. The inhalation of the corticosteroid causes a dilatation, allowing for more air to pass into the lungs. It would seem, then, that gum disease and asthma are unrelated, but the life-saving corticosteroid could, in fact, have a negative impact on oral health. Nebraska dentist Dan Peterson devotes a website to, in part, the link between asthma medication and periodontitis. In his section "Oral Health Changes in Individual with Asthma," it is written that asthmatic patients have an "increased rate of caries." Many things cause dental caries, or cavities, but asthma inhalers usually contain sugar, which is a culprit in tooth decay. The website also lists the problems of "reduced salivary flow due to inhaler use and increased prevalence of oral tissue changes" as other reasons that asthmatic face mouth trouble. Dry mouth, also called xerostomia, can be caused by inhaler use. It is problematic because it causes "tooth decay and gum disease and makes you more vulnerable to inflammation" (Schaaf and Higbee, 1993). An article in Harvard Women's Health Watch adds, "Persistent xerostomia is a serious and often uncomfortable condition that can jeopardize oral health. It makes eating and swallowing difficult, causes bad breath, and may irritate mouth tissues, leaving them more vulnerable to infection". The article goes on to explain that inhalers can cause a reduction in saliva. The moisture of saliva is absolutely necessary. Its decrease, which can also be caused by painkillers, blood pressure medications, antidepressants, etc., is cause for concern. Advice is offered to combat dry mouth. The article offers that over-the-counter products that increase saliva production are one way to go. It also suggests trying to drink lots of water, limiting sugar intake, and chewing sugar-free gum. Avoiding de hydrating habits like drinking alcohol, smoking, or consuming caffeine might also help when the use of inhalers make xerostomia a problem. Inhalers aren't perfect, but they are necessary. "Sustained use of inhaled corticosteroids reduces the risk of severe exacerbations requiring hospitalization as well as death from asthma and therefore provides a simple and effective tool by which to eliminate major adverse events for patients with this common disorder" (Suissa and Ernst, 2001). Since asthmatics can't ignore breathing problems for fear of gum disease, advice is offered for sustained good oral health. Peterson's website suggests frequent dental check-ups and cleanings. It also suggests fluoride treatments, a proper at-home routine, the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Management Work and Society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Management Work and Society - Research Paper Example But at the same time there are many factors that prevent career choice options from being achieved. These factors include age, gender, race and education etc. All these factors might restrict a person’s career choice options. We will try to shed more light on these factors in the text below. Our discussion will include differences between achieved and ascribed roles. The main theories of occupational choices will also be examined and how these theories relate to the different roles. Objective and subjective constraints on occupational choice will be elaborated upon. Our discussion will also include analysis of the possible ways to reduce barriers for exercising career choice. Finally future organization and their effects on career choices will be examined. Differences between Achieved and Ascribed Roles A role is defined as a set of behaviour that is followed by a person acting in a social situation. The concept of role is very important because they have a huge impact on the behaviour of a person observing any role. Doctors and nurses are more responsible because they have a huge responsibility (saving people’s lives) so any person who is a doctor or a nurse will try to be responsible. Roles are of two types; they can be achieved or ascribed. Ascribed roles are those that are assigned to a person from inheritance. These roles are not based on merit but are based on the traits which are beyond one’s control (Stark, R. 2007). Achieved roles on the other hand are based on merit and personal skill. A person’s personal efforts and abilities have a role to play in his or her achieved roles. Gender, age, nationality etc. are some of the ascribed roles. These roles are involuntary in nature. Achieved role include doctors, engineers, criminals, footballers etc. These roles are based on one’s personal abilities and are voluntary in nature. Both of these roles have an impact on career choice. Due to some ascribed roles like gender and a ge a person might not be able to pursue a profession like baseball. Key Theories of Occupational Choice There are two main approaches that explain how a person chooses his or her occupation. These include developmental approach of occupational choice and structural approach. There is another theory called impulse or accidental theory of occupational choice. All three of these theories attempt to explain how a person chooses profession. Accidental theory of occupational choice gives a very simple explanation of career choice. It says that people choose their profession simply because of external factors that are beyond their control. Chance plays a role in occupational choice according to this theory. If we consider this theory to be true then all people become what they are simply because of events that are not in their control. The choices are voluntary but these choices are not because of interest in a particular field or goal of personal development rather they are an outcome of uncontrollable events. The achieved roles of a person according to this theory are also because of factors that are not controlled by the person. Uncertain events determine even the achieved roles of a person. It is however important to note that a personal merit of a person still plays a role after the choice of occupation but the choice itself is characterized by accident or chance. There is some empirical evidence that supports this theory as many famous people choose the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Aggressive acts in popular TV programmes Essay Example for Free
Aggressive acts in popular TV programmes Essay In this piece of coursework I am trying to find out whether aggressive acts in popular TV programmes cause children to act more violently. The participants used in this experiment will be children aged between 5 and 10. I think that the more aggressive acts there are in the popular TV programmes the more aggressive the child will act after watching the programme. Most of us recognise aggression when we see it but the reason the person is being aggressive we find hard to determine. One common way to determine aggression is by saying there are 2 types instrumental and hostile aggression. Instrumental aggression is used to achieve a specific goal, perhaps to protect yourself or to try and get your own way. This form of aggression is not always accompanied by anger. Hostile aggression is aimed at damaging someone or something, and is often done in anger. The social learning theory says that we learn not only through reinforcement but also by observing other people and imitating their behaviour, which is called observational learning. A psychologist named Albert Bandura studies of aggression are based on the teachings of the social learning theory. He found out the following points: Observation Always we are watching people, and children in particular spend a lot of time observing others. While observing others they pick up on what they say and how they say it. The see how other people react to what is said or done, and observe the consequences of other peoples behaviour. If the behaviour is imitated by the observer we know the behaviour has been learned. For example a boy might kick his teddy bear in the same way as he seen his hero in a cartoon punch another character. The child may imitate the sounds which the hero in a cartoon makes. If the hero was rewarded or shown admiration for its actions in the cartoon then the child is more likely to imitate the heros behaviour. This is an example of vicarious reinforcement. Reinforcement If the child is rewarded for its actions it is more likely to perform the behaviour. If the boy imitates a character on the TV and is rewarded by the carer the behaviour is likely to continue. If the carer disapproves of the behaviour of the child and punishes then the child is less likely to perform the behaviour again. Albert Banduras Research On Aggression Albert Bandura performed a number of experiments which focused on the effect of children watching an adult behave aggressively. For example, Bandura and friends (1961) arranged for an adult to hit and kick a large inflatable doll (called a Bobo doll) whilst the child was in the room. Afterwards the child had a chance to play with a variety of toys, including the doll, whilst the adult was present. Bandura in later experiments changed this procedure, because he showed a child a film of someone being aggressive to the doll in the environmental condition. In the control condition children watched a non-violent film. They were watched afterwards whilst playing and a number of incidents of aggression were noted. When participants were asked to replicate as much of the models behaviour as they could remember, most were able to do so accurately regardless of whether the model had been reinforced or punished. Some of the children who had not been aggressive towards the doll, even though they could do so accurately when asked. These children had learned the behaviour even though they did not imitate it. The Role Of The Media In Aggression Banduras research indicated that children could learn new ways of being aggressive from their observation of models. This raised the question of what role the media might play in encouraging aggression and violence in society. The way aggression and violence in films, cartoons, TV programmes, computer games and books are presented provides models which children and adults may imitate. As a result of this, there was a huge increase in the research to discover the level and type of violence shown in the media, and what role the medias presentation of violence might play in aggressive behaviour. T. Williams and colleagues (1986), studied children in three Canadian towns and were compared to discover whether television had an influence on their levels of aggression. At the start of the study, one town had no television (Notel), another town had one channel (Unitel) and a third had several channels (Multitel). A year later Notel had one channel, Unitel had two channels. The researchers measured childrens levels of aggression before channels were added and again one year afterwards. The observed the children in playgrounds, and asked teachers and children to rate aggression. Aggression both verbally and physically increased after Notel children began watching TV, and this for both boys and girls. In addition Williams found a positive correlation between the amount of time a child watched TV and the amount of aggression he or she showed.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Relationship between Theory and Practice Essay Example for Free
Relationship between Theory and Practice Essay Cognitive development indicates growth of the ability to reflect and explain. Lev Semionovich Vygotsky and Jean Piaget were greatly contributed to the cognitive development section of Psychology. The way small kids discover surrounding environment and psychologically develop plays a key role in their learning processes and skills. By learning the process of cognitive development supervisors give themselves a chance to great extent meet the requirements of the individual demands of each separate child. Vygotsky and Piaget were considered to be constructivists. Constructivism is a method of training and learning based on the idea that cognition is the consequence of psychological construction. To put it differently, children obtain knowledge making compatible their previous experience and new fresh information. Constructivists believe that learning is influenced by the situation in which a concept is delivered also by childrens attitudes and values. Another common feature between Vygotsky and Piaget is that they both think that the limits of cognitive development were set by societal influences. Unfortunately, this is the point where the correspondence between Vygotsky and Piaget comes to an end. There is a great difference between both theories of highly indicated scientists. Piaget claimed that mental growth came from activity. He believed that students learn by means of communicating with their surroundings and that learning takes place after growth. On the other hand, Vygotsky held that knowledge takes place prior to the growth that can occur and that children learn because of history and symbolism. Vygotsky also claimed that students appreciate effort from their surrounding environment and from other people such as teachers and parents as well. Piaget did not consider the latter to be true. Vygotskys and Piaget concepts on cognitive development also have different attitudes. School systems and teachers have been practicing the cognitive development theories of Vygotsky and Piaget for quite a while. A good illustration of Piagentian training could be arranged in a preschool environment. Through the preschool period Piaget considers students as being at the Preoperational level and as a consequence they are more likely to be self-centered. Consequently, it would be fair to discuss things with preschool age children from their own points of view as they will feel their experiences are unique and precious. During classroom activities one student might say the glass of milk that another student brought to classroom to share is half empty while the student who brought the glass may consider the glass to be half full. Neither student is wrong in this example, the glass can be characterized by both descriptions but they may believe it due to the fact that each accordingly likes or dislikes milk. Application of Vygotskys cognitive development theory could occur in a first grade classroom. First grade children are frequently characterized by having varying stages of knowledge. Some students may already know letters and how to read while others are still making attempt to improve this process. An optimal option to assist the students who are not reading as well as the others includes ensuring these children aid speaking out a word when they get stuck while reading a text. With these preliminary considerations in mind it would be well to conclude that cognitive development plays a central part in learning and thinking approaches of students. Vygotsky and Piaget provide valuable knowledge and data into the possible ways students learn and by employing these concepts it is possible to design a more advantageous learning context for each student. To get deeper understanding of Vygotsky’s theory it would be useful to visit the web-site http://www. newfoundations. com/gallery/Vygotsky. html. It suggests a number of approaches provided by in-depth studies and research of the scientist. Vygotsky tries to find answers to questions such as â€Å"What is a human being? †, â€Å"What is knowledge? †, â€Å"What is learning? †, â€Å"What is society? †, or â€Å"Who is to be educated? †. One more web resource that provides valuable insight into the researches conducted by Piaget is http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/piaget. html. To apply theory into practice we may observe that preoperational stage includes symbolism which means that the child already understands parallel notions of objects. For instance, to develop business skills from the early age it would be very useful to set an activity where objects replace real things: paper instead of money, books instead of TV-sets to be sold, etc. These two particular web-sites were chosen because besides the theory itself they also include practice and illustrations. They describe how the results of the studies may be applied in learning and teaching processes.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: Causes and Treatment
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: Causes and Treatment Overview In a normal heart, the electrical impulses that signal the heart to beat only flow in one pathway, which begins in the sinoatrial node, or SA node, located in the right atrium. When the SA node fires, the single is spread through the right and left atria causing the chambers to contract. The impulses then travel through the atrioventricular node, AV node, which is the bridge that allows the impulses to flow from atria to the ventricles. The AV node slows down the electrical signal before sending it to the ventricles. This slight delay allows the ventricles to fill with blood. When electrical impulses reach the muscles of the ventricles, they contract, causing them to pump blood either to the lungs or to the rest of the body. When the electrical signal reaches the ventricles, the chamber them to contract. In wolf-Parkinson-white syndrome, also known as WPW, an extra conduction pathway to the ventricles reaches the chambers quicker the normal. This is because impulses travel through the extra pathway as well as the normal AV node system. The impulses travel in a circular pattern. This circular pattern causing the heart to beat unusually beating patterns called arrhythmia. The arrhythmias are conserved an electrical abnormalities called pre-excitation syndromes, and they are in many forms. In Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, the most common form of arrhythmia is known as paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. Many people with WPW also experience atrial fibrillation, an irregular rapid heart rhythm. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is present at birth, but the first symptoms often first appear in teens. WPW is one of the most common causes of fast heart rate in infants and children. The syndrome affects about 1 to 3 people in 1,000 people worldwide, but many do not everyone experience symptoms. IN China 70 percent of cases of abnormal heart, rhythm is due to WPW. The extra electrical pathway in the heart doesnt necessarily cause a fast heartbeat. However, this condition makes it possible for other processes to increase the heartbeat, including: Looped electrical impulses, Disorganized electrical impulses Looped electrical impulses. The problem with a fast heartbeat usually occurs in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome because electrical impulses travel down one pathway and up the other one, creating a loop of signals. This condition, called AV reentrant tachycardia, sends impulses to the ventricles at a very rapid rate. The ventricles, as a result, pump very quickly. Disorganized electrical impulses. If electrical impulses dont begin correctly in the right atrium, they may travel across the atria in a disorganized way, causing them to beat very quickly and out of step with each other. This condition is called atrial fibrillation. These disorganized signals also increase the pumping rate of the ventricles to some extent. If theres an extra electrical pathway, as with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, the ventricles can beat even faster. The ventricles dont have time to fill up with blood and dont pump enough blood to the body. This less common condition can be life-threatening. History In 1930, Wolff, Parkinson and White described a distinct electrocardiograph (ECG) pattern in healthy young people with short bursts of tachycardia. In 1933, other doctors noted the reason for this irregular rhythm was a faster passage of impulses traveling through the ventricles. In 1944, doctors confirmed the presence of extra pathways. Causes The extra electrical pathway of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is present at birth. Little known to why the extra pathway delopes, but can be caused by sporadic occurrence, and is linked abnormal gene and inheritance, which accounts for a small a small percentage of cases. In most cases, the cause of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is unknown. Most of WPW occurs randomly in the general population, occurring in about 0.1 to 3.1 per 1,000 persons. men have a higher incidence of WPW than women do, for uknown reasons A small percentage of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is caused by a mutation of the PRKAG2 gene. The mutation of the gene is also linked to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease that enlarges and weakens the cardiac muscle of the left ventricle. The PRKAG2 gene codes for a protein that is part of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) enzyme. AMPK is believed to be involved in the development of the heart before birth, as well helps mangae the energy demands within the heart. Researchers are uncertain how PRKAG2 mutations lead to the development of WPW, but is due to the altered activity of AMP-activated protein kinase in the heart. It is unclear if the changes cause overactivate enzyme or reduce enyme activity. It is know though that the AMPK mutation allows glycogen to build up abnormally within cardiac muscle, as well as being related to changes in the regulation ion channels in the heart, which play critical roles in maintaining the hearts normal rhythm. Most cases of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome occur in people with no apparent family history of the condition, and accounts for only a small percentage of all cases of this condition. The inheritory disorder typically has an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. Some cases of WPW are inherited. Parents who have accessory pathways may pass them on to their children. Research has indicated that incidence of preexcitation in first-degree relatives could be as high as 5.5 per 1,000 persons. About 7 to 20 percent of patients with WPW also have congenital defects within the heart. Symptoms The extra connection in the heart, called an accessory pathway, that allows electrical signals to bypass the atrioventricular node and move from the atria to the ventricles faster than usual. The accessory pathway also can transmit electrical impulses abnormally from the ventricles back to the atria, causing an additional contraction of the atria, leading to an abnormally fast heartbeat, called tachycardia and other arrhythmias. About 80 percent of people with symptoms first have them between the ages of 11 and 50. Complications of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome can occur at any age, although some individuals born with an accessory pathway in the heart never experience any health problems associated with the condition. Resulting symptoms of the arrhythmias are dizziness, a sensation of fluttering or pounding in the chest called palpitations, shortness of breath, fainting, and rarely associated with cardiac arrest and sudden death. Some people have WPW without any symptoms at all. The most common arrhythmia associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is called paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. A person experiencin an tachycardia episode will have heart rate greater than 230 beats per minute and normal blood pressure. An episode of a tachycardia begin suddenly and last for a few seconds or several hours, and often happen during exercise. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome often occurs with other structural abnormalities of the heart or underlying heart disease. The most common heart defect associated with the condition is Ebstein anomaly, which affects the valve that allows blood to flow from the right atrium to the right ventricle (the tricuspid valve). Additionally, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome can be a component of several other genetic syndromes, including hypokalemic periodic paralysis (a condition that causes episodes of extreme muscle weakness), Pompe disease (a disorder characterized by the storage of excess glycogen), and tuberous sclerosis (a condition that results in the growth of noncancerous tumors in many parts of the body). Treatments Treatments for WPW depends on the type , frequency, and associated symptoms of the arrhythmias experienced. tachycardia may correct itself, but often needs treatment. The goal of treatments for Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is to slow a fast heart rate when it occurs and prevent future episodes. Ways to slow your heartbeat include: Vagal maneuvers. Medications, and surgerys. Whether a person will be treated with medication or with an ablation procedure depends on several factors. These include the severity and frequency of symptoms, risk for future arrhythmias and patient preference. Vagal maneuvers affect the vagus nerve, which is the same nerve that regulate heartbeats, and is usally the first treatment tried. Vagal maneuvers, which include coughing, bearing down as if you are having a bowel movement, and putting an icepack on your face, are often performed during an episode of a fast heartbeat. These actions sometimes resulting in slowed conduction of electrical impulses through the AV node. If vagal maneuvers do not stop the fast heartbeat, often medicine is needed. Often an injection of an anti-arrhythmic medication, such as adenosine, or pill versions of drugs, such as flecainide (Tambocor) or propafenone (Rythmol), may be percribed to be taken in response to episode of a fast heartbeat that doesnt respond to vagal maneuvers. Anti-arrhythmic medications may prevent a fast heart rate all together when taken regularly. Medications are usually given to people who experience frequent arrhythmias who cannot, or do not want to undergo surgery. In people with WPW, whose heart rate can not be controlled with medications, ablation can improve symptoms and cure the abnormal arrhythmias. The most common procedure used to interrupt the abnormal pathway is radiofrequency, also known as or catheter ablation. This procedure involves inserting a catheter in an incision in the groin area and running the catheter to the heart area. Electrodes at the catheter tips are heated to damage (ablate) the extra electrical pathway and prevent it from sending electrical signals. When the catheter reaches the heart, the extra electrical pathway is destroyed using radiofrequency. This procedure is highly effective with a success rate for the procedure ranges between 85 95%, and complications which can include heart injury or infection are uncommon. Successful ablation ends the need for medication. Another procedure done to elevate the symptoms of Wolff-parkinson-white syndrome is cardioversion. cardioversion is a procedure where a shock is delivered to your heart through paddles or patches on your chest. The current affects the electrical impulses in your heart and restores a normal rhythm. Its typically used when maneuvers and medications arent effective. When all other forms of treatments have not worked open-heart surgery is almost 100 percent. However, because radiofrequency catheter ablation is almost as effective and less invasive, surgery for Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is now rare. However, surgery is usually done only if the patient must have surgery for other reasons. Social implications A person with WPW have several Social implications they must deal with. Since Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome often occurs with other structural abnormalities of the heart or underlying heart disease, a person monitor there heart health carefully. In Addition to this several other genetic syndromes, including hypokalemic periodic paralysis (a condition that causes episodes of extreme muscle weakness), Pompe disease (a disorder characterized by the storage of excess glycogen), and tuberous sclerosis (a condition that results in the growth of noncancerous tumors in many parts of the body) must be monitored. Common day substances of Caffeine, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Pseudoephedrine which can contribute tachycardia episoides. This makes the person monitor there exposure to these substances and avoid places of smoking if tobacco causes symptoms. With the relatively new ohio smoking ban helps eliminate this social issue with smoking. References
McCarthy :: essays research papers
While I cannot take the time to name all of the men in the State Department who have been named as members of the Communist party and members of a spy ring, I have here in my hand a list of 205 that were known to the Secretary of the State as being members of the Communist party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department. (Bayley, 1981,p.17) This story is held responsible for sparking the McCarthyism era. The incidents following it, represent a journalistic period paralleled to the Christian views of the Spanish Inquisition; a time period of branded embarrassment and horror never to be forgotten. Later McCarthy said the number he gave in his speech was not 205 but 57. The fact is that Desmond had a written copy of the speech before McCarthy gave it, but he could have changed the number to 57 when he actually presented the speech. Regardless, the number 57 would have been just as shocking as 205. The reporter's ethics and/or practices were questionable in handling this story. Why he did not ask to see the list of 205 Communists? If he did, history may have been different, for as McCarthy said himself "what he held in his hand was the Byrnes letter, not a list."(Bayley, 1981, p.24) If Desmond had reported that McCarthy was holding a letter, not a list, the newspapers would have handled the story much differently. A letter from one person to another, which suggests unfit employees, would have made much less news than the illusion of an actual list of names. This lack of verification, was one of many press blunders that followed over the next few weeks. In general the press' poor practice would be carried out for the next five years. "I have here in my hand,..." was a phrase that "became more popular than a famous toothpaste slogan,"(Belfrage, 1973, p.117) which he used on an infinite number of occasions to refer to documents he would pull from his briefcase to support wild accusations. The legitimacy of the documents much like that of the accusations seemed never to have been verified by the reporters on sight. The Byrnes's letter that McCarthy pulled out on February 9, 1950 was one of these unchecked documents. The content of the letter gives us insight into McCarthy's ability to manipulate the facts, and cover his tracks just enough so that an unambitious, negligent reporter would help him spread his word. The letter from which the number 205 is extracted is dated 26 July 1946, from Secretary of State James F.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Gender and Coming of Age in Shakespeare’s As You Like It Essay
Gender and Coming of Age in Shakespeare’s As You Like It Shakespeare introduces the protagonists of his comedy, As You Like It, as youths mourning the absence of their fathers: Orlando remarks on the consequences of his father’s death and Rosalind first appears despairing over her father’s exile. He closes the play with the marriage of these youths. The absence of their respective fathers centrally figures into their courtship and preparation for marriage. Even more noticeable is the absence of all mothersâ€â€not a single mother or older wife appears in the play. The young women, Rosalind and Celia, enter adulthood, seemingly without any female role models. Such responses impact the development of the young protagonists, causing the two friends, Rosalind and Celia, to be remarkably independent of gender conventions and the constraints of older generations. The absence of elder influences allows Rosalind and Celia to shape their adult lives, particularly as they forge their own unique approaches towards marriage and realiz ations of the institution. In the absence of natural fathers, different characters volunteer as surrogate fathers for Orlando, but not for Rosalind. Without soliciting it, Orlando receives help and guidance from Duke Senior and Adam. For example, the ravenous Orlando interrupts Duke Senior’s banquet and orders them to stop eating, demanding food for Adam and himself. Duke Senior asks him why he so rudely demands food and then advises Orlando that â€Å"gentleness shall force / More than your force move us to gentleness†(2.7.101-102).* Warmly inviting the embarrassed Orlando to his table, the Duke offers him his friendship as he takes Orlando aside to speak privately. Orlando receives such unsolicited help from ... ...ns emotional maturity. Orlando finally achieves social adulthood and Rosalind achieves personal maturity. While the Shakespearean era certainly structured gender roles quite differently from our own, many women today find themselves, like Rosalind and Celia, in a forest of men without female role models. Though decrying the lack of female role models has become trendy, it is important to remember that the leadership of the older generation comes with its own constraints. As each generation forges its own identity, perhaps it is the very absence of such role models and the freedom to wear a man’s hat or a beggar’s cloak that allow the most independent expressions of adulthood to emerge. Work Cited *Shakespeare, As You Like It, in The Complete Works of Shakespeare, ed. David Bevington, 4th ed. (New York: Longman, Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, 1997).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Color Purple :: Essays Papers
The Color Purple The novel, The Color Purple, is an epistolary novel. In the letterforms, Alice Walker gives several ideas, such as, friendship, domination, courage & independence. She impacts readers by looking at the story through the eyes of Celie and Nettie. The book describes the fateful life of a young lady. It tells how a 14 year old girl fights through all the steps and finally she is in command for her own life. Celie is the young lady who has been constantly physically, sexually, and emotionally abused. Eventually she turns into a lesbian. In the book, The Color Purple, "dear God, Nettie, dear stars and trees" are the only people she communicates with. All the letters show that Celie is a very insecure person, and that reflects to her teenage years. All the abusing caused her a scar in her heart, which would stay there and wouldn't go away. Every time she thought about the abusement she felt like she was experiencing it all over again. In The Color Purple, there are many conflicts, which arise from the theme. First of all, Celie is against Pa and Mr._____, that shows the conflict of man Vs man, and unfortunately, Celie doesn't have the power to fight back physically. Secondly, Celie and herself that show the conflict of man Vs him/herself. She can't win over herself and that is why she doesn't have enough courage to stand up and be in command for her own life. Thirdly, the tradition of men had high social status then women. That shows the conflict of man Vs society. At the e nd of the book Celie eventually fight over the tradition. Men are no longer in charge for her life. In the book, The Color Purple, Alice Walker used several symbols and personifications to describe Celie's insecure and painful life. From the view of a reader, the title of the book, "The Color Purple" represents the pain and the bruises that had been given to Celie through her pitiful life. Dear God, Nettie, dears stars and trees show Celie's insecure personality, also Alice Walker personalized the stars and trees to be involved with Celie's communication. By reading through the book, readers would understand the discriminations of men and women's social statuses at that time when the story was taking place, and Celie is just one of those young ladies who has a fateful life.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Love and Courtship in Shakespeare’s Day Compared to Modern Views on Love and Courtship.
Love and courtship in Shakespeare’s day compared to modern views on love and courtship. During the renaissance the Europeans saw love and courtship as two different yet important parts of life. It concerned expectations of families and communities, not just the longings of the couple. Shakespeare’s ‘Midsummer Night Dream’ gives us a clear view of a typical situation when couples fall in love and defy the rules. In the play there are four characters (Hermia, Helena, Lysander and Demetrius) all of which fall into one big love catastrophe.Both Lysander and Demetrius loved Hermia at the beginning of the play, Hermia loved Lysander and Helena loved Demetrius, as the play goes on both Lysander and Demetrius fall in love with Helena . In the end Hermia and Lysander reunite and Helena and Demetrius fall in love. In Robert Herrick’s ’To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time’, the poem shares a common message with the Europeans of the renaissance per iod and that is to live life to the absolute fullest. How does the renaissance view compare with the modern views on love and courtship?Love in the renaissance was an over powering force which could be both spiritual and sexual. Spiritual love means love without expectations. Normally when one loves anyone there is some form of expectation attached and it is conditional. However spiritual love is unconditional, no matter what the circumstances are. This form of love is divine and only develops after a considerable amount of spiritual practice when one perceives God in everyone. So also, we become happier individuals when our love is not adulterated or diluted by expectations.The Poets of the renaissance time period believed love was pure and selfless emotion. Yet some poets believed love was sexual. Sexual love is a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction. They believed sexual desire is a vital part of love. However In midsummer night dream there are two situations in which ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s contradicted , firstly, Hippolyta rebukes theseus’s sexual desire until after their wedding day and secondly, Hermia refuses to satisfy Lysander’s sexual desire ,as they lay in the forest floor, until after they are married. Love is a well thought emotion back in the renaissance.Overall love in the renaissance period was confusing yet somehow magical. On the other hand modern love varies. Boys and girls are falling love every second of the day calling it a simple ‘Crush’. However love has a deeper meaning it’s the strong positive emotion of regard and affection. Overall love is important and meaningful part of renaissance and modern time periods Courting in the renaissance is really just the more traditional version of dating. In courting there are usually more restrictions that are forced upon two lovers who are ready to be betrothed.Courting is a much more formal way to get to know your beloved. The two people are prearranged to meet in a private setting such as the home of one of the two people. If the ‘date’ is to be in a more public location, the female must be accompanied by a family member or close friend. Usually the man will woo the female yet he is less anxious about the physical side of the relationship and is more interested in creating a deeper and meaningful connection. In the poem ‘to the virgins, to make much of time’ the male tells the female about the brevity of life.He is wooing her as he tells her life is short and to live it to the fullest. The male usually persuades the female to show physical love by telling ‘tomorrow will be dying ‘and therefore seize the opportunity. Overall courting is a product of a more traditional culture and its variety of ways that still have much to contribute to our developing world. In comparism dating is a much informal way to get to know you’re beloved. It is a private affair between two people who arranged to meet somewh ere, usually in public. Such dates can be watching a movie in the theaters or having a meal together in a restaurant.Dating is a situation where the people get a chance to find out whether they are suited for each other before getting to know each other in a spiritual intellect. Dating can engage romantic talk, kissing, making out, and sometimes sex. Even without the preventive rules of courting dating can often lead to permanent relationships and latter on marriage. Overall dating is a product of a modern day society and is a generally evolved with behavior that has developed as a result of sexual freedom and disposing of religious, ethical and social standards.Every now and then A few Renaissance couples, ran away to be married in secret. They did this so they can marry for love. Defiant couples faced greater obstacles to elopement because many Anglican communities required parental consent. This applied especially for couples below certain ages. No matter how strict the rules wer e there were always some clever couples who managed to bypass them. In the play midsummer’s night dream Hermia and Lysander run away after hermias father Egeus gives his consent to Demetrius ‘Demetrius, stand forth.My noble lord, this man hath my consent to marry her. ’ The couple wasn’t at all amused at this decision and therefore both decided to runaway to Lysander’s widowed aunt’s house. If the couple were to be caught they will bring shame upon their families and will be separated for life. The consequences of this mainly bestow upon the female. ‘You must either suffer death, or have no further contact with men. ’ The female will either be killed by her father’s grant or become a nun for life. However this is not quite the contrary in modern days.Firstly there aren’t as tight rules as they had in renaissance period. Modern couples have the freedom to marry whom they wish. There are still some customs in a modern marriage. Firstly the man should propose this is the giving of the engagement ring to the women. The parents are then notified separately if the wedding is to take place; it will be organized mainly by the bride’s family. The couple will never need to runaway to get married; they have a right, that’s something they didn’t have back in the renaissance.Even if they did the punishment will definitely not be a harsh as the punishment of the renaissance period. Overall runaway couples are two completely different situations in the renaissance and modern periods of time. In conclusion love and courtship are two very important aspects of life. From the above points we can come to a conclusion modern views are more relaxed whereas the renaissance view consisted of some really strict restrictions. Thought the views are relatively related they are both completely different opinions on love and courtship.
Friday, August 16, 2019
A Study On Customer Attitude Towards Online Shopping
Abstract:The technological development with respect to internet has given a new dimension to marketing. Online customers are increasing and the virtual marketers realize the importance of customer oriented approach. This online facility benefits the users to gain in depth information about the product and to compare and evaluate the products offered by various suppliers. To conduct an empirical investigation a survey was conducted to collect data and was analyzed and interpreted using SPSS.A questionnaire was developed based on the objective of the study. The factors facilitating online shopping were measured on a five point Likert Scale. It was very clear from the study that security was the main concern and the users also mentioned about the absence of physical handling of the products in online shopping. At the same time many users felt that it was very convenient and cost effective.IntroductionOnline shopping has been growing because of the technological advancement, convenience, better purchasing capacity and the availability of different search engines and easier payment modes. The availability of the quality of the information, various brands and products enable the customers to make a choice from a wider market. Customers come across different types of risks in online shopping and they may not opt for internet marketing.With the advent of the internet , online shopping has gained immense popularity . The ease and convenience of shopping from anywhere in the world without having a physical visit to any shopping mall, has made online shopping or e-shopping an indispensable facility for many people.Internet marketing tools such as e-mail marketing, blogs, face book, twitter, MMS, SMS and webisodes ( webisodes are created to enable the customers to visit the sites repeatedly and thus converting them into brand loyal customers) make it easier for the marketers to reach to their customers. They also combine the various marketing activities such as advertis ing, online campaigns and other public relations to create product awareness.In a constantly changing world of today, where past is replaced by dynamic present and the dynamic present is replaced by more challenging future, the old ways of doing things is no longer valid thus a new technology brings with it not only the potential for success but also a good design , its value to its users, ultimate use and acceptability. The current situation of shopping is changing due to globalization, technical innovations and market saturation.The intensity of competition increases due to new products and services as well as the entrance of competitors from other industries. The continuously growing educational standards and the opportunity to gather information induce enormous changes in customer behavior.Consumer attitude towards e-shopping is s a new strategic marketing and the information available influences customer attitude positively. The advent of web technology constitutes a new medium of commerce which puts the customer in a position to directly and quickly interact with the web services.The empirical study will find whether online shopping will gain importance and its use will accelerate at a faster rate in the coming years. Thus the study concludes that the online shopping is more cost effective and less time consuming. The study also confirms that there is a willingness and readiness on the part of the users to go ahead with such technological sophistications or improvements.However in certain respects the users felt online payments system lacks in security and it caters to the needs of the educated mass and felt that it may not be of any use where the physical handling of the product becomes important. A few users felt that shopping means a family affair and a few felt that they enjoy their shopping with friends. In such cases e-shopping may not be too interesting under certain field of marketing. This study covers the key areas related to internet market ing and the customers attitude towards shopping using internet.Literature ReviewThe researcher has made an attempt to present the reviews of available studies which consists of articles and other research papers in the related areas. The study revealed the customers’ perceptions and characteristics that influences customers attitudes toward online shopping. An earlier study conducted by Ghose (1998) predicted that the internet may be an important channel for marketing. Another study has revealed that the fear of security system in online shopping due to credit card fraud has been one of the major reasons for customers avoiding online shopping. (Ratnasingham 1998).A study by Palumbo and Herbig (1998) suggested that in coming years internet may offer cost effective and sophisticated tools for online advertising, sales promotion and placing orders and communicating with their customers all over the world. The study of Walters and Lancaster (1999) revealed that the internet offer s direct links with customers and suppliers and facilitates transactions processes and information transfer at a faster pace.Jayawardhena and Foley (2000) identified that convenience, site design and financial security are the dominant factors in customers assessment of e-satisfaction. A study by Torre and Moxon ( 2001), concluded that many companies have adopted internet for conducting business transactions and sharing business information with their customers. The study made by Thomas S.H. Teo (2001) revealed the linkage between the use variables such as age, gender,income, education and internet usage established the relationship of internet usage with respect to surfing , mailing, chatting and messaging.A study by Ranganatham and Ganapathy(2002) revealed that the safety, security and privacy of websites have a greater impact on the intention of the customers do go for online transactions. The most important reason for internet users to avoid online shopping is its security. K een et al (2002) found that demographic factors such as age, gender, education and income has a significant effect on the attitude of the consumers towards online shopping and also revealed that educated internet users are more comfortable to go for online shopping. Benedict et al 2004 found from their study that the need to touch, feel, smell or ability to try a product influences customers decision whether or not to shop online. One of the main reasons for which customers hesitate to shop online is that online shoppers are unable to touch the real products in order to evaluate the quality.Different types of online buyers have different evaluations of website design and website reliability but similar perception of website security (Shegill and Chen 2005) . Nearly 70% of web users use internet for sending and receiving emails, surfing, chatting and messaging . India was ranked fourth after US, China and Japan in terms of internet users by Computer Industry Almanac in 2005. A study by Collier and Bienstock (2006 ) identified product delivery as an important factor that influences online customers satisfaction and future purchase intention.Online purchase intentions and influences of personal attitudes were similar for males and females. (Yu-Bin Chiu, Chieu-Peng Lin Taiwan and Ling Lang Tang ) Customers showed interest in products like cars, computers, mobiles apparel and also services such as ticketing, health management and tourism management. Approximately 10 percent of the world’s population use online shopping has been shown in Online Consumer Opinion Survey of AC Neilsen. Ebay Pay Pal has been established as pay sources for various online purchase that includes air , rail and movie tickets , electronic items and apparels Taylor Nelson Sofres refers in the Third Annual Global E-commerce report that e-shopping in India includes a variety of products such as books, apparels and electronic items.Factors including competitive cost, better customer se rvice and other demographic considerations have helped the marketing industry to soar to greater heights. The development of information technology and the growth of the communication network has opened new horizons in the world of marketing . This has enabled the customer to enter into a new technological development called e-tailing. This e-shopping enables the customer to benefit from the pool of information , product comparison, cost effectiveness and various other offers from its suppliers and thus making a better choice of product.Research MethodologyA pilot study was conducted among fifteen people consisting of neighbors, students and colleagues to evaluate how well the questionnaire was framed and understood.Sampling DesignThe sample has been taken only from the IT industry and the education sector since they have the prior knowledge about internet browsing. A sample size of 240 was considered for the study. Respondents were selected by purposive and convenience sampling met hod for the study. The study uses exploratory research design and analyses the primary data to show customer attitude towards online shoppingThe primary data has been collected through a self administered and structured questionnaire. Questionnaires were given to different age group of people ranging between the age group of 25 to 50. The questions were framed in view of the main factors like Security, Reliability, Quality and Loyalty. The variables were measured against a five point Likert scale.Following the literature review Questionnaires were developed based on the literature to determine the behavioral pattern while purchasing online. The questions were designed and presented in two different parts. Part I comprised of the respondents’ personal background such as age, gender, educational qualification , occupation and income per month. Part II enabled the respondents to furnish the factors that influenced them to buy the product online.The questionnaire was developed based on the observations of the researcher, review of the literature and consultations with the people on the same area of interest. The variables used in the study is also based on the review of the literature and the researches done by other researchers. The research objectives of the studyTo analyze the customer behavior pattern in on line shopping To understand the relevance of online shopping for retail products and services. To understand the views of the respondents about the retail and service industryStatistical AnalyticsData in this study were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (Version 19.0) and Amos (Version 19). Factor analysis is used to identify the load variables to the factors such as Security, Reliability, Quality and Loyalty. Further these factors are analyzed to identify the inter relationship among the factor using the path analysis.Data Analysis Frequency table of demographic profiles Table – 1 AGE Age GroupMale Female 25 – 3 04838 30 – 353930 35 – 403217 40 – 451908 45 – 500603 Total14496Table -2 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION EducationMale Female UG7342 PG4124 PROFESSIONALS2116 RESEARCH ERS0914 TOTAL14496Table -3 HOUSEHOLD INCOME PER MONTH IncomeMale Female Less than 10,0002416 10,001 – 20,0004237 20,001 – 30,0004825 30,001 – 40,0001813 40,001 & above1205 Total14496Table -4 FREQUENCY OF USERS Frequency of usersMale Female Daily3728 Alternate days5134 Once in a week3823 Occasionally1811 TOTAL14496Table -5 ONLINE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE AND SATISFACTION Satisfied with online shoppingMaleFemale Yes10258 No 4238 Total14496From the Tables 1 – 5 the following inferences were observed. Out of the 240 respondents men accounted for 60% and women accounted for 40% of the total respondents . Out of the 240 respondents the age group between 25 – 30 years represents 36% of the respondents and the age group between 30 – 35 represents 28% of the total re spondents Out of 240 respondents, household income per month of Rs 10,001 – Rs 20,000 represent 33% of the respondents and income of Rs20,001 – 30,000 represents 30.4% of the total respondents.Out of 240 respondents holding Post graduate and above degrees represents 52% of the respondents and professional degree holders represent 15% and researcher scholars include 9% of the total respondents. Around 87.5% of the males use online services at least once a week while 88% of the females are online service once a weeks. About 71% males experienced satisfaction in online shopping while 60% females experienced satisfaction in online shopping.Hypothesis testing: The following are the findings of the hypothesis testing using chi-square through SPSS. Result 1: There is association between age and online shoppingResult 2: There is association between monthly family income and online shoppingResult 3: There is association between frequency of internet use and online shoppingResul t 4: Educational qualification and online shopping are relatedAround 82 % of the respondents felt that internet shopping was available 24Ãâ€"7 and it could be done from any place. They also expressed the convenience of home delivery at a cheaper price. A few respondents felt t hat it enabled them to engage themselves in other activities while shopping since extensive information was available online in different fields. However around 78% respondents felt t hat the payment gateway is not secure and they were under constant insecurity of their credit card information being hacked.They also said that it lacks the physical touch of the product and thus they were unable to judge the quality of the product. A few respondents felt that the absence of social interaction made online shopping a less interesting way of shopping. A few elders felt that they didn’t have a credit card to use the internet shopping. One should accept the fact that though e- shopping is slowly increasing in India it doesn’t keep pace with the increase in global marketing.Many Indian customers do not use internet market due to their fear factor and the apprehension about the quality of the goods that they may receive. With increase of the secured payment gateways and the use of SSL ( Secure Socket Layers) which enables a safe transfer of private documents via internet may allow the e-marketing industry to flourish in the coming years.2.3 Factor AnalysisThe following table shows the various variables that were considered in the study. Table – 6Q1I trust the brand of the product Q2Novelty and innovation in the product Q3Delivery of the product is shipped to a wrong destination Q4My credit or debit card information can be misused Q5Product delivered on time Q6Shipping cost and FOB are clear Q7On line transaction is interrupted due to virus transmission Q8Product quality cannot be judged without physical touch Q9Extensive information about the product Q10Payment process is not safe Q11After sales services are not maintained Q12Goods delivered in good condition Q13Online customer satisfaction Q14Product packaging Q15Lack of knowledge about the stock in hand Q16Wider range of product line Q17Duplication of transaction due to network failures Q18Home delivery Q19Price list and discount offer are clear Q20Availability 24Ãâ€"7Table -7 KMO and Bartlett's TestKaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy..837 Bartlett's Test of SphericityApprox. Chi-Square3709.515 df190 Sig..000The KMO measure of sampling shows that 84% infers that the sampling procedure is good and this leads to factor analysis.Table 8 Extraction Method – Principal Component AnalysisQ210.894964 Q110.883193 Q1010.826436 Q1310.813798 Q1210.807486 Q1410.798794 Q1810.788084 Q1910.766677 Q910.751079 Q1110.74923 Q1610.726154 Q1710.69611 Q810.670899 Q1510.657976 Q510.649796 Q2010.573682 Q410.560741 Q610.478726 Q310.439737 Q710.434629From the scree plot we confirm that the four factors S ecurity (F1), Reliability (F2), Quality (F3), Loyalty (F4) can be formed.Table – 9Component 1234 Q11.772 Q8.755 Q12.753 Q5.744 Q17.685 Q10.666 Q4.661 Q7.656 Q15.639 Q3.607 Q6 .830 Q20 .787 Q9 .779 Q16 .582 Q19 .568 Q13 .876 Q18 .814 Q14 .789 Q2 .930 Q1 .924 Table – 10Rotated Component Matrix(a)Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a Rotation converged in 8 iterations.Table -11 Transformation MatrixComponent1234 1.795.494.342.085 2-.420.404.198.789 3-.097-.450.887-.044 4.427-.625-.241.608 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.Path Analysis diagram is drawn and from the diagram it indicates that the variables are factored as follws.This diagram shows that in Factor 1 Security the following variables are identified. Q17Duplication of transaction due to network failures Q10Payment process is not safe Q4My credit or debit card information can be misus ed Q7On line transaction is interrupted due to virus transmission Q15Lack of knowledge about the stock in hand Q3Delivery of the product is shipped to a wrong destination Q11After sales services are not maintained Q8Product quality cannot be judged without physical touch Q12Goods delivered in good condition Q5Product delivered on timeThe following variables are identified by Factor2Q16Wider range of product line Q19Price list and discount offer are clear Q6Shipping cost and FOB are clear Q20Availability 24Ãâ€"7 Q9Extensive information about the productThe following variables are identified by Factor 3Q13Online customer satisfaction Q14Product packaging Q18Home deliveryThe following variables are identified by Factor 4Q1I trust the brand of the product Q2Novelty and innovation in the productScope for further Research and Suggestion Several types of viral marketing can be studied with relevance to viral marketing for retail products in India. This study is restricted to Chennai and i t can be further extended to other metropolitan cities as a comparative study for future research.ConclusionThe study revealed that the customer were more willing to use internet for the services rather than the products. Most of them were content with rail booking through online however a few felt that booking air tickets were little more expensive since the travel agents were able to give better competitive ticket fare. The study also revealed that internet is less time consuming and more cost effective. Many were of the opinion that while travelling to new places they were very comfortable to find the details of places, accommodation and food.They were also able to make a better choice by comparison the prices offered and the kind of the service provided. Even though in many hospitals online booking was available many felt that it was easier to call and fix up and appointment rather than doing it thro online. However they felt that many foreigners take up the treatment by using t he internet. People were also keen on placing orders for health care products like Amway. Another factor that influenced the buyers was the physical touch of the product.Though there may be a larger range of products to select from, the n on disclosure of all the information about the product may pose a threat to the web users. Moreover the browsing speed, connectivity , power shut down and other technical problem may further crb the growth of internet marketing. The most important factor that prevents the growth of the online marketing is the safety and security .The fear of their debit/credit card being misused and the lack of information posted in their respective web sites post a major threat for the customers. A The online transactions doesn’t allow for a social network or a pleasant family outing and in practice the expectations of the customers is to shop with friends and family and such an expectation may not be fulfilled in online shopping.SuggestionsBrands should mo nitor the cyberspace for unauthorized use of their brand names. The companies should have policies and procedures that enable them to remove the web sites that violate the copyright laws. They should also educate their customers about the risks of buying from unauthorized sources and should have a consortium to report suspicious goods and sellers.
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